Many consultants claim very high fees from desperate parents, without delivering real value.
We work for what we get. We track and measure student progress aggressively to prove improvements in skills, school, university and life.
Promise #2: Start young.
Parents and student start preparing last minute help for university admissions, job applications and in life. We start teaching critical transferrable skill from age 12, so they have an extra 10 years of practice for admission tests, and ECAs.
Promise #3: We increase transparency.
Currently, you don't know if you will get into uni until age 18, get a job until age 22, or do well in life until age 60.
From day one, we give you the data to ensure track progress in school, university and life readiness.
Promise #4: Democratise access to quality mentorship.
Some parents spend millions for life curation to optimise entrance into university. Most cannot afford that. We provide a similar quality of service, with the best students and graduates in the world, providing the most up-to-date information, first hand, tailored for you.
Promise #5: Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
Some students apply for university admission advice, then job application advice ... and other consultants love it, because they keep making money. We don't. We'll see you from ages 8-14, every other week. Then, afterwards, only in the news.